Anticipating the arrival of my last two rejection emails from grad school I have been busy as a bee trying to keep the gut punching bully of dread and anxiety at bay. Despite my lack of blog updates I have been doing a lot of work. The SUPER YACHTS series of paintings are well under way and I will be posting some photos of my progress later this week. I have also been drawing new comics, none of which are presentable but I do have some small drawings that I have been doing to generate ideas and to simply keep my hands moving so I can't keep tapping the refresh button on my inbox anymore.
This is a drawing of my lovely lady Katherine.
I started doing a series of small drawings of what I'm calling "Useless Robots." Check back to see more.
I'm thinking about saving the money I might have spent on Grad school to buy a new computer! Oh, and move out of this black mold infested death trap*. Priorities.